Egypt News Syrian Theater Review


Does the Syrian drama pass the production exam successfully? A question started with the kit's preparation to start filming a series of series for the next season. It is too early to talk about these productions and the stories that they deal with. However, a quick vision of the scene and preparations shortens the freshness that controls the atmosphere. In general, some of the new productions, with local Syrian stories, are sinking almost into Syrians. New names have entered the line, companies will try to save what can be saved.

"the door of the district"
The series "Bab Al Hara" will be released this year. The finishing of the decor and the construction of the "hot hyena" have quickly become, and the cameras are moving now. But the surprise was the departure of the actor Abbas Nuri "Abu Issam" of Part X, for unknown reasons. Until now, only the disagreement between Abbas al-Nuri and Mu'al al-Ala has let the subject filter. Promote the withdrawal of Nuri. The revealed details revealed that the entry of the actor, Salloum Haddad, in the events of "Haret al-Daba" was not an absolute substitute for Abbas al-Nouri. Haddad has been selected for change and for writing a special role for him, far from politeness that is not welcomed even by the actor himself. Until now, MBC Saudi Arabia has not revealed the possibility of participating in the budget of "Bab Al Hara", which is expensive compared to other productions. MBC expects the right opportunity to announce its participation or purchase to "Bab Al Hara" exclusively, and its presentation during the production of the tenth part of the series was entrusted to the company "Qabnad" Syrian. Kabanad is also involved in a new drama by director Suheir Sarmini, entitled "Hear Me". The work consists of the experiences and observations of the Syrian crisis, written by Wassal Haider, to be determined by the team of representatives.

A few days ago, the Syrian actress, Slav Mimar, officially announced heroism for the historic series "Haramlik". It seems that Amarar is trying to escape the social drama after "Rose Shamia" and the "windows" of history. UAE-based CLAKIT is working on a historic production that has been talked about a lot in previous years. The story is written by Suleiman Abdul Aziz and directed by Tamer Ishaq. Two years and negotiations took place between the Syrian writer Khaldoun Qatalan and the company "Klakit" on the admissibility of mass production. Two of the victims filed a criminal allegation requiring the company to return the submitted text, entitled "Harem Aga". The company agreed, after intermediaries intervened between the parties, provided that the two sums were returned to him. The story is over and the shooting will begin soon. The events take place between 1513 and 1516, mainly between Damascus and Cairo. The imagined work will deal with the arrival of the Mamelukes in power and control of the political landscape, in addition to defeating "the enemies of the Ummah of the Mongols and Crusaders".

The actress, Amal Arafa, said in a special statement that she had started filming the series "Contak" a few days ago. Arafa, who suffered the siege imposed two years ago on Syrian drama, and now presents her "Saiko" series, very popular for comic cynical positions, said she was happy to return to the wheel. . And hope that the "Contak" led by Hossam Rantisi will open the works for the 2019 Ramadan season, and will be a way to promote and display more than a Syrian and Arab channel, participating in the Hossam Tahsin performance Bak, Ghada Bashour and Mohamed Hadqi.
Date: 2018-10-26

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