13 recommendations for young participants to complete the conference "Investing in the future" in Sharjah


Cairo – By Mohamed Salah – Friday, October 26, 2018 17:58 – The Conference on Future Investments, 2018, was launched at the end of its meetings, "Youth Declaration", which included 13 main axes, result from a series of meetings bringing together young people from the Middle East. And North Africa as part of the conference held in Sharjah on October 24th and 25th.

The announcement was made by Sheikh Sultan Fahim bin Sultan Al Qasimi, head of Sharjah's government relations department, Mariam Hammadi, director of the Grand Heart Foundation, representatives of the Youth Advisory Council (SOS) and a number representatives of local and international youth councils.


Sheikh Fahim bin Sultan Al Qassimi, head of Sharjah's government relations department, said that the upcoming conference on investment has opened the window of hope for a large number of young people to launch concrete initiatives for develop their capacities, strengthen their orientation and protect their interests. The building of their communities and the declaration of their recommendations by young people are only the result of their efforts and their true desire. Through this platform, which serves as a platform that includes young people and allows them to express their views and visions, they will be effective partners in the progress and prosperity of their societies.


Sheikh Fahim Al-Qasimi added that the progress of nationalities and their prosperity was the responsibility of young people and that their role was essential in the process of planning and management and in the search for a positive transformation towards productivity in societies. to which they belong. This role can not be achieved without the establishment of an integrated development system focused on youth capacity-building. In this regard, the Sharjah Emirate is keen to activate the announced Youth Declaration by strengthening the cooperation with various countries, organizations and international institutions dealing with youth issues and seeking to be a bridge through which the region and the world towards a safer and more stable future. "


She said the Arab region will be fine as long as its young people have the determination and willingness to make a positive difference in their communities, as confirmed by the words of a girl. Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Sharjah's Supreme Council and Sovereign Sheikha Jawahar bint Mohammed Al Qasimi, president of the Heart Foundation, said supporting young people affected by conflict, poverty and unemployment does not just mean giving back hope for a better future, It also means that nationalities are not built with wishes and that societies do not develop without the integration of roles and equitable opportunities for all groups.

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Youth statement at the upcoming investment conference

• Establishment of a semi-governmental regional youth advisory council, with an Arab representation, to ensure youth participation in the decision-making process, with the aim of enriching and developing the proposed council in representing minorities, refugees and young people without citizenship. Local and national executive led by youth in their respective countries and social groups.

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• Establish ministries of youth in all countries of the region and support them with national budgets for youth development, provided that the average age of young ministers does not exceed 35 years.

• Create and fund community youth centers in urban and rural areas to provide youth with free access to educational, technological, recreational, cultural and social services and support activities.

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• Adopt and adopt official policies for protection and reporting systems against intimidation, harassment and harassment, including social media and the digital space, with strict disciplinary measures at the same time. against offenders and provide counseling, training and psychological support to victims.

• Launch community awareness campaigns to promote gender equality and achieve social justice at the public and community levels, with the aim of protecting the rights of girls and young women and ensuring the protection of women's rights. participation of men in anti-discrimination dialogues.

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• Develop and support innovative youth-led projects by providing traditional and digital platforms for participation, providing specialized skills-based training and applying innovative financing solutions.

• Draft a bill to protect intellectual property rights, especially to protect youth-led innovations and projects.


• Fund projects for youth and facilitate banking and credit solutions to support their entrepreneurial spirit, economic empowerment and financial independence, while offering comprehensive financial literacy initiatives.

• Ensure that young people have access to inclusive and gender-sensitive education through the enactment and implementation of decentralized policies and by ensuring that educational and financial resources are equitably distributed among the different data. demographic, both rural and urban.

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• Create an e-learning platform that gives young people in all geographic areas free access to innovative education technologies and academic development tools, while meeting the needs of young people for further training.

• Develop and implement youth mentoring programs in the business sector, career counseling, paid internships, training and career development programs that improve the employability of young people and enable them to improve their skills. Access to autonomous resources.


• Offer young people basic programs related to leadership development, flexibility and crisis management to improve their preparedness and resistance to risks and crisis shocks.

• The priority is to respond to the educational needs of young people in times of crisis, including access to ICTs and distance learning platforms, and to ensure that girls benefit from education and training. Similar initiatives in times of crisis and evenly.

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• Create a platform for youth-focused educational grants to help them find information on membership requirements, applications, financial solutions and educational opportunities, in partnership with universities, foundations , companies and private sponsors.

• Record and preserve educational and professional data on young people in times of crisis and develop a digital professional network to showcase young people's talents and employment opportunities (similar to the "LinkedIn" principle).


The Conference concluded by paying tribute to the partners who have contributed to highlighting the challenges young people face and opportunities to participate in sustainable development: UNHCR, UNICEF, UNDP, Namaa for the Advancement of Women, Gender and Empowerment. Women (UN Women) and SOS Children's Villages.


More than 60 speakers, over 600 personalities, experts and young people, attended the conference and gathered more than 3,000 people, who discussed the challenges facing young people around the world, particularly in the areas of crisis, conflicts and disasters, emphasizing the great importance of involving young people in development in order to protect their future. And to prevent them from following the pathways of extremism or crime because of the reality and circumstances that forced them to live.


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