The feature stickers finally reach the "Watts August" app on Android and iOS


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Cairo – By Mohamed Salah – Friday, October 26, 2018 22:54 – WattsApp has recently added the display functionality to all users around the world. The company announced today that a display medium will be offered to users. Android And iOS In the coming weeks, the 1.5 billion users of the application will initially receive a limited number of posters from WattsApp's design team and a few other artists chosen by the society.

However, this should change in the future because the Watsp application will allow everyone to add posters in use. Label makers will need to publish their products as an app on Google Play or Store. From there, users will be able to download and use applications in Watts. AT.

WhatsApp stickers

The poster feature is available for a wide range of applications, including Telegram's more open app: anyone can create and publish posters in just a few minutes, but issues such as plagiarism and different levels of quality .

Before Facebook's acquisition of Watts in 2014, the founders strongly opposed advertising, games and other tasks, which they considered insignificant and deeming it detrimental to the main goal of Wattsp.

Thank you for reading the news on the feature stickers to finally reach the application of "Watts Aab" on Android and iOS on the Gulf 365 and inform you that the content of the subject was written on the seventh day and that it was it may have been fully transmitted or cited. We are not responsible for the content of this news with our best wishes for Happy Day.

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