Whatever your choice .. Huawei Mitt 20 Pro or Apple iPhone X R?


The story is whether you choose Huawei "Mitt 20 Pro" or "iPhone XR" from Apple? Huawei and Apple are launching two new phones in order to attract users looking for high-end devices. Apple has launched the iPhone XR, an economical version of the iPhone XS, and Huawei, the M1020 Pro.

Huawei of China now outperforms Apple in terms of sales: China's share of the global smartphone market stands at 15.8%, that of Apple at 12.1%, but Samsung remains in the lead with 20.9%.

Traditionally, technical experts have made detailed comparisons between the two devices to determine the phone that offers the best user benefits, whether it's a screen, performance, or fast memory.

Huawei's strength lies in the powerful sensors of the camera, features that are very important because they are responsible for receiving the light from the aperture of the lens and its processing for produce a high resolution image.

One of the camera's sensors measures 40 megapixels. With this advanced level and its three cameras, the Huawei Mitt 20 Pro camera provides incredible image capture capability.

Huawei has imprinted the sensor in the new interface of the phone. So just press the screen to unlock the lock, while users must use the rear sensor of Huawei dead 10.

In addition, the new Huawei phone guarantees recognition of the user via the face, but this feature does not override Apple because the iPhone has been used for some time.

On the other hand, the iPhone XR relies on several advantages to attract customers, it is adapted to the price and it also guarantees advantages comparable to the two phones launched in September.

The new iPhone XR user can use face recognition to unlock or register at the Apple Pay app.

The screen size of the iPhone XR is 6.1 inches and, unlike expensive iPhone and Huawei phones, the XR only has an LCD screen and is not equipped with an OLED screen.

Apple is offering its new phone with six colors and an aluminum frame that fits the glass at the back.

One of the weaknesses of this camera is that its camera displays less than 12 megapixels on the back of the camera, while its battery can withstand from 15.5 to 16.5 hours per charge.

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