In a new factory in China, robots are made


ZURICH, June 15 (Reuters)


Schedules of October 28, 2018
– Last updated in
October 27, 2018 / 22:55

The Japanese engineering group ABB announced on Saturday its plans to build a new plant in Shanghai, China, at a cost of $ 150 million.

The new plant, located near the ABB robotics technology complex in China, is expected to be operational by the end of 2020 and to produce equipment for China and other Asian countries.

China is ABB's second largest market after the United States.

"Shanghai has become a vital hub for advanced technology leadership, for the ABB Group and for the world," said Ulrich Spiehofer, CEO of the group.

China expands its robot workforce with rising labor costs. ABB said that one out of three devices sold in 2017 worldwide was destined for China, which had bought about 138,000


The new plant, which will be built on an area of ​​75,000 square feet, will use software that allows humans and robots to work together safely, said the company, adding that its daily machines, designed to work side by side, perform many assembly tasks of small parts needed for manufacturing. robots

A spokesman said that ABB machines, which will play roles such as automotive manufacturing and electronic assembly, will manufacture robots for many industries at the Shanghai factory.

The company did not disclose the number of new workers in the factory, but said it would increase dependence on robotics – related labor, which currently has more than 2,000 in China.

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