Android Marshmallow 5.0 is the most prevalent on the phones of Android users


Google has announced on the Android system page the latest statistics on the use of different versions of the operating system, while the versions of Noga and Oryo were widely used, but the version of Marsmolo was the most widespread among owners of Android phones. According to statistics, Marshalo 6.0 is available on 21.3% of Android phones.

Android Marshmallow is the most prevalent on the phones of Android users

Google has announced on the Android system page the latest statistics on the use of different versions of the operating system, while the versions of Noga and Oryo were widely used, but the version of Marsmolo was the most widespread among owners of Android phones.

According to statistics, Marshalo 6.0 was present in 21.3% of Android phones, while the second version was Noga 7.0, 18.1% and 7.1% on 10.1%.

The version of Oreo 8.0 was found on 14.0% of devices, while the version updated 8.1 to 7.5%. As for previous versions, Lolipop 5.0 accounted for 3.5% of devices, updated 5.1 on 14.4% of devices, while Kit Kat 4.4 was 7.6%.

Android user distribution

Statistics do not show any numbers for the latest version of Android 9.0 because the version below 0.1% does not include the current version of the system.

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