NASA announces the suspension of the Kepler Space Telescope


The Kepler Space Telescope, launched in 2009 in space to search for outer planets, will stop searching for lack of fuel, said Paul Hertz, NASA representative.

"The telescope will continue to operate in space for more than nine years.Although it stops working, it has enough information to function and perform research for many years," he said. said Hertz.

NASA experts said preparations to end Kepler's mission began in late June, after it became clear the fuel was running out. Therefore, the telescope has sent to Earth in the last few months all the information collected. NASA has confirmed that the telescope is not a threat to the Earth, and experts will soon be shutting down all its aircraft, and then continue to rotate in a secure orbit around the sun.

During his work, the Kepler telescope discovered more than 26,000 planets, some of which may contain water. He also discovered planets similar to Earth, larger than the mass of our planet.

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