Ali Al-Kiyeh Attends the Graduation of Three Specialized Courses at the Sharjah Police <Al-Watan Newspaper


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Sharjah – Al Watan:
Colonel Ali Al Kiyy Al-Hamoudi, deputy director of the Sharjah Police Training Institute, attended the end of five training courses attended by officers and officers from different departments.
Colonel Al-Kie said at the graduation ceremony that the growing interest in the training and qualification of his cadres at all levels and in all their specialties stemmed from a clear vision aimed at implement the leadership strategy of qualifying employees, developing their skills and developing their abilities so that the police can achieve their goals.
He added that the training programs held this week, which we are witnessing today, are taking up important courses for security officials who wish to support and develop their human resources in order to keep up with developments and events. 39, activate their strategic objectives stemming from the strategy of the Ministry of the Interior.
At the end of the ceremony, the Assistant Director of the Training Institute presented certificates to the participants.

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