LG foldable TVs on the market next year – UAE News


Oud Al Hazm

New leaks confirm LG plans to unveil collapsible OLED TVs at CES 2019 for launch by users.

New leaks confirm LG plans to unveil collapsible OLED TVs at CES 2019 for launch by users.

At CES 2018, LG unveiled an OLED model with a retractable design in a special screen unit. Today, a new report indicates that this new segment of screens is on the market.

The Engadget report also noted that leaks from some of the 2019 CES presentation documents revealed a 65-inch LG display and retractable OLED technology to be launched in 2019.

LG's design comes with a user-friendly assistance and a technology offering more space: the screen can quickly rotate in the custom unit by pressing a button. button of it.

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The launch of this market-leading screen will further highlight the LG technology giant at CES next year, and LG will be the leader in launching flexible screens in the market.

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