Abdel Ghani: Fans will forget Hossam Ashour after his retirement .. and "Social Media" are the basis of my goal


Magdy Abdel Ghani, board member of the Egyptian Football Federation, confirmed that no one would remember Hossam Ashour, player of the Al Ahly club, after his retirement from football.

"Hossam Ashour is the first to be defeated," Abdul Ghani said in a statement to the Al-Maash program presented by journalist Hani Hathout.

"Hossam Ashour all his story 3 goals only people did not need him after retirement, the midfielder is required to score goals and that's what I've developed in myself."

Abdul Ghani: "Social media" is at the origin of my fame in the World Cup. And they became very high because they do not know me

Abdul-Ghani pointed out that social media was the reason for his fame for the World Cup against the Netherlands at the 1990 World Cup.

"I have scored the goal since the 1990 World Cup, but I was surprised by its appearance in the media.This is the trend that motivated my contract," he said. he declares.

"But after that, they attacked Ali after hearing lies about me.Nobody knows my story with Ahly and Egypt, so I recently started setting myself goals to find out who I am . "

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