Al Ain leads the first round of the Jujitsu Cup


Al Ain leads the first round of the Jujitsu Cup

Al Ain Aljujitsu is leading the standings with a score of 503 points, nine gold medals, eight silver medals and five bronze medals in the first round of the Vice President's Cup, in which 11 clubs.

The Al Jazeera club is held in Abu Dhabi, the second with 354 points, five gold medals, five silver medals and six bronze medals, while Al Jazeera has 152 points. , a gold medal, four silver and bronze medals.

Sheikh Zayed bin Khalifa bin Shakhbut Al Nahyan, Minister of Climate Change and Environment, Thani Bin Ahmed Al Zuwaidi, and the President of the UAE and Asian Federations, First Vice President of the International Federation of Jujitsu, Abdul Moneim Al Hashimi.

Participating players competed in three categories: men over 21, youth under 21 and youth under 15, aged 16 to 17. The United Arab Emirates Jogitsu Federation has adopted a reward system which awards the Grand Prix to the winning clubs among the top three, at the end of the three rounds of the tournament, with the total points obtained during the rounds of the tournament.

The federation has adopted a different method of arbitration known as the "role of return", which guarantees losing players the opportunity to play a second match before their full exit in order to compete for the bronze medal. The Federation is preparing to hold other tournaments during the next stage, including the Martyrs Championship on 22, 23 and 24, and December 14 will be the second round of the Umm Al-Umar Ladies Championship. Emirate Gujitsu. The 15th of the same month will be the second round of the President's Cup, 28th and 29th of the same month, the Dubai International Championships for Jujitsu Professionals.

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