"Weather": the weather is cloudy until Friday


The National Weather Center predicted a cloudy day from Monday to Friday with some risk of rain in some areas, including the islands, with dusty winds, dust and sometimes poor visibility.

On Monday.

Partly Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy clouds, particularly on the coast, in some areas of the west and north, as well as dust and windy dust sometimes cause reduced visibility from time to time.

Wind: southeast, north-east and north turns 22 to 35 km / h to 45 km / h with cumulus clouds.

Sea: particularly turbulent with clouds in the Persian Gulf and mild to moderate in the sea of ​​Oman.


Wet in the morning becomes cloudy between cloudy with the risk of special rain on islands and some coastal and northern areas and activates dusty winds of dust and dust, sometimes leading to low horizontal visibility.

Wind: Northwesterly winds from 22 to 35 up to 45 km / h with Cumulus clouds.

Sea: moderate to turbulent in the Persian Gulf and in the Oman Sea.


Partially cloudy over some areas, especially west.

Wind: from north-west to north-east and from 18 to 30 east to 40 km / h on the west sea.

The sea: The Mediterranean Sea is sometimes flickering at night in the Persian Gulf and mild to moderate in the sea of ​​Oman.


Partially cloudy over some areas and some cumulus clouds can be oriented to the east.

Wind: turns southeast to east and northeast from 18 to 30 km / h to 38 km / h at sea.

The sea: The Mediterranean is sometimes flickering in the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea.


Partly cloudy over some areas, Cumulus clouds are oriented east and north, and the wind is active in the afternoons and dusty on exposed areas.

Wind: turns from southeast to east and northeast from 18 to 30 km / h up to 40 km / h at sea.

Sea: Moderate to turbulent wave in the Persian Gulf and in the Oman Sea.

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