Geneva Initiative for Human Rights calls for an end to violence against women


The UAE press agency

The Center for Human Rights and Global Dialogue in Geneva affirmed its commitment to initiatives highlighting women's rights and the issue of gender equality in the Arab region And in the world.

In a statement issued on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November, the Center stressed the need to put an end to all forms of violence. towards women and to achieve gender equality in the Arab region and in the world.

HE Hanif Hassan Al Qassim, Chair of the Center, paid tribute to the UAE's achievements in empowering women and strengthening their role in the development process.

In his statement, the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, reiterated the condemnation of violence against women as "a stigma in all our societies", as it is still estimated that 30% of Women around the world have been victims of sexual or physical violence, including in their lives.

He called for the elimination of discriminatory laws that allow impunity for perpetrators of violence against women in the Arab world.

Conflicts and humanitarian crises have opened the way to serious forms of violence against women and aimed at disrupting the social fabric and thus destabilizing societies in conflict, particularly in Syria and Iraq, using rape and other forms of sexual violence as weapons of war. Have long-term negative psychological and social effects as well as social marginalization.

He pointed out that United Nations Security Council Resolution 1820 of 19 June 2008 banned all forms of sexual violence and rape against women, which could constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity or acts of violence. constituting genocide.

The Center called for the full political integration of women in the world and in the Arab region in particular, as well as the adoption of targeted measures to counter any deliberate attempt to exclude women in leadership positions through the use of violence and intimidation.

He called on Arab governments to address all the challenges that hinder the full implementation of Goal 5 of the 2030 Plan's Sustainable Development Goals for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, noting that Arab countries must support the positive dynamics in the region with regard to the status of women.

The promotion of women's rights and the promotion of gender equality are the foundations of a global and harmonious society, and policy-makers must continue their commitment to concrete measures to eliminate discrimination based on violence as well as only to remove barriers to women's empowerment.

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Source: WAM

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