Smart bath helps to diagnose diseases 24 days Published 24 days ago 26 – 11 – 2018 ESA experts, together with sanitation specialists, have created a smart bath called FitLoo, able to detect early diseases through urine monitoring. "With high technology, he will collect data via proteins and glucose in the urine through sensors located in the container, according to the British newspaper" Daily Mail. "The" toilet "should detect fluctuations in Protein and glucose levels in the urine, as well as any signs that could indicate cancer or diabetes The "toilet" is based on the principle of its work on the technology used by astronauts to monitor their state of health aboard the International Space Station and can transmit data and test results to smart phones, or even directly to medical and laboratory personnel so that they can track their patients. "FitLoo offers users an excellent opportunity to control their health, "said the team's digital health expert.Click here to read the news at its source.
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Source: Mughras
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