A bug in the Google translation is controversial


Washington – The Voice of the United Arab Emirates

Users of the Google translation complained of a translation bug, when they repeatedly wrote "dog" and asked to be changed into multiple languages, they were receiving a dangerous warning

On the site of "Reddit", which made a lot of fear for their lives, with some haste to check the case themselves and asked to translate the word "dog" after have written several times.

The message content includes, "The Day of Resurrection is 3 minutes to noon, we are confronted with dramatic figures and developments in the world, as we approach more and more of the end and return of the Christ. "

Internet speculation has spread about what could be behind this disturbing warning, with most suggestions included: computer failure or imminent death.

The change brought by the Google Translate service years ago, when I started using a known technique "said Alexander Rush, who said the system could" hallucinate "when there is a dysfunction in nutrition and therefore produce strange results.

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