A medical study: "Houl" is the reason for the artistic creations of Leonardo da Vinci!


LONDON (Reuters) – Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci was suffering from an eye disease and could be at the origin of his most famous paintings and works, doctors said on Tuesday. University of City.

According to a report in The Independent, British doctors diagnosed Leonardo da Vinci's disease and confirmed that he was suffering from an asymmetric eye aberration, a type of "strabismus".

Physicians also believe that asymmetrical eye aberration is beneficial for painters because it allows them to focus better on nearby flat surfaces, reducing the ability to keep their eyes aligned when they see a fixed object.

Researchers at Citi University obtained these results after reviewing some of Davinci's paintings, as his own writings suggested that any artwork reflected the artist's appearance.

The results caused the eye to move up to 10.3 degrees outward in the case of a relaxed vision, where the eyes are perfectly aligned.

It should be noted that many international painters have suffered from this disease, including Rembrandt Harmenson Van Ryan, Pablo Picasso, as well as Leonardo Da Vinci.

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