A message on "and continue" .. erase all your data in 10 seconds!


In a new threat to users of the application of the monthly mail and "Atsab", warned cybersecurity experts, a malicious message able to erase the data from their phone in whole in just 10 seconds .

Experts advise users of "Watsab" to ignore a message informing them of a video written in "Martinelli" and state that they can scan the phone data in less than 10 seconds, according to the Daily Mail.

The version of the anonymous message warns Watsab users that they will be part of the malware broadcast via a video link and will ask them to pass it on to friends.

The malicious message also warns users of the trick "Watsab Gold", which has already spread, a real scam that requires users to upgrade to the premium version for "goodies and new emoticons".

Cybers, the US cybersecurity firm, confirmed that the message was fake and pointed out that there was no video tape called "Martinelli".

Although the source of the original message remains unknown, it was reported that this message originated from Spain and appears to infect the phones with the devastating virus, which merely warns it by pressing the retransmission and directing it to friends.

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