A new rumor suggests that Samsung Smart Clock comes with WearOS and a function of measuring electronic blood pressure


07/09 14:02

Last May, Evan Blass, known as the Evleaks, explained that Samsung Gear's smart watches were powered by the Google's WearOS system instead of the system. TizenOS on Samsung employees. . This has led to rumors that Samsung will turn to Google's WearOS system in its smart clocks and dispense with the TizenOS system.

However, a few weeks later, Evan Blass updated this information, noting that Samsung Gear Watches previously controlled and operated by the WearOS system was modified by Google, which led to extinguishing the spark of these allegations.

According to the famous Ice Universe of China, which has a good reputation for leaks related to Samsung, Samsung will probably work on a new smart clock with the name "" Galaxy Watch ", and operates WearOS of Google. In fact, this new rumor is in line with another rumor that we had earlier this year that suggested that Samsung is considering changing the Samsung Gear brand to Galaxy Watch.Also, Samsung is known for its use of the Galaxy brand on the Google Android devices.

On the other hand, the Chinese Ice Universe explained that the Galaxy Watch smart watch will include a sensor to measure blood pressure, Samsung already has a patent for the monitoring of pressure In addition to this, it is also reported that this new smart clock will include the PLP package, which is a shortcut to the Panel Level Package, a technology designed to make the processor smaller and cheaper. Other features include a new user interface and a 470mAh battery.

If you remember, there were rumors last month that the Samsung Gear S4 smart clock would have a PLP package and a much larger battery than its predecessor. It is therefore likely, as the Ice Universe says, that the Samsung Gear S4 or Galaxy Watch smart clock comes with WearOS.

Needless to say, none of this has been formally confirmed so far, so be careful with everything. A measure of enthusiasm. Regarding availability, it is reported that the Samsung Gear S4 smart clock will go along with Galaxy Note 9 on August 9.

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