A playwright who shows the most important experiences of Abdel Moneim Madbouli in the direction


  A playwright who shows the most important experiences of Abdel Moneim Madbouli in the direction
a playwright who shows the most important experiences of Abdel Moneim Madbouli in the direction [19659003] The drama of the artist Abdel Moneim Madbouli was not limited to the theater, He also participated in the realization of some of the comedy programs, including for example the performances he directed for the following teams:

(1956), Hesba Barmah, The Rebel Land, The Great Satisfaction, The Times of Nimra 11, Pasture After Improvements (1968).

and directed the group "Time to your heart the game" offer me: Maine in them (1958), role on the other (1959), Malika of the sixties, Talat Li in the Bakht (1960), Mrs. Lazm likes me, some prefer old (1961) "Ismael Yassin" produced three shows: Three Farhat and Deek (1962), I, My brothers and brothers (1965).

He continued in the context of Amr Rotara "Colors News" also from the other side directed Abdel Moneim Madbouli of the group "United Artists": I, he and Samo (1966), Eve at 12, Muffler ( 1967), the 1960s street Very (1969), The Thief of Sharif (1971) and the Wolf of the Laughing Theater released Love Airport (1968).

directed by Madbouli for the trio of plays in Ezbet al-Ward (1968), Ya Nasa (1995), and directed by the group of comics Girls and the Fox (1969) and the group Omar Khayyam. (1969). (1969), and in a short "rotating" time also from the other side, Madbouli directed the Egyptian Comedian directed "Madbouli" plays: Salad (1969), Al-Abbait (1970) (1977), and I realized "Mdaboli" by the theater "Rihani" The Blue Angel Theater (1974), Oulad Ali Bemba (1975) (1979), and directed for the group "Najm" Theater of the Valley of the Nemesis ( 1983), the bulldozer (1986) Unlike some games, including: I forgot my name.

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