A "robot" waitress at a Dubai restaurant attracts customers


When you see a waitress approaching a table in a Dubai restaurant, you're not happy about the arrival of the food, but the waitress's meeting robotic.

At the restaurant "Drex and Spice Magic" "The customer is attracted by the opening of a new restaurant (in Dubai)," said Arif Mohammed, director of the group of restaurant owners. "

Since The restaurant opens its doors in the emirate of the Gulf in early July, and Robbie, of Japanese construction, works continuously.

Ruby walks on a magnetic black line that blows its way between tables, carrying his dishes after another bartender placed him on a large university tray and directed him to the appropriate table.

The food is on Indian or English songs. "Do not forget to thank me," Ruby told customers after the meal.

Arif Mohammed confirmed that the restaurant would soon bring another automatic waitress because of Robbie's popularity. 19659002] "Robbie starts working from 7am to 2pm. Tire, and does not irritate customers. "

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