A woman threatens a police officer by massacring and causing chaos in a police station


The Dubai Public Prosecutor's Office referred a visitor of Asian nationality to the Criminal Court who assaulted a police officer and threatened to kill and water him, insulted him and his colleagues, and chaos in front of a building and Jebel police station after being caught in an unbalanced state.

A Dubai police witness testified that he was at the head of a security patrol at Jebel Ali police station and that he had been informed of the presence of a strange woman near a building in the city of Dubai media production. She told him that it was a building and that there was no place where to sell the drinks. She refused to leave and wreaked havoc on the spot, which prompted her to contact her boss, who was sent by a policewoman to arrest her. After being taken into the patrol, she is The Square, avar D Police Kicked Police and accused of verbal abuse, as I poured water on the duty officer.

The first victim stated that she had taken the accused to the center, but the latter refused to leave the patrol and yelled hysterically. She then asked to drink some water and brought a bottle that she drank and then sprinkled with water in her mouth.

The third victim also stated that the accused was in a deplorable state and repeated his fall several times on the ground, as she said in obscene terms and threatened to kill him.

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