Abdul Aziz al-Muleifi between absenteeism and the presence of the Gulf


Saudi artist Abdul Aziz al-Muleifi gave his absence from the art scene for several reasons, including the lack of dramatic production we suffer, unfair competition and the common interests of artists and producers, that pushed him to be the real talent The art of art is not the goal of marketing in the number of "fluors" that emerging artists possess in their networking accounts social, for the art of the lover, and not for those who trade or market

and his absence from the star Huda Hussein Spirit) despite the success that he has achieved in the last year from the Iqbal series I accept, said the star Huda Hussein after Ramadan last year, asked him to participate in the work, but he did not really know what reasons have brought it down to participate in the fragrance of the spirit. 19659002] The artist Abdul Aziz Al-Muleifi will collect with the writer Hamad Al-Rumi, the author of Iqbal Day's work, and the work of (Ibra Street) 2018. The two Works have been very successful and have had good echoes in the middle Gulf.

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