Abed Fahad: My partnership with Nadine Najim was different from "Way" and I contacted George Wassouf for that reason.


Syrian star confirmed Abed Fahd That he did not expect an interview with star Amr Arfa for a day after collecting a large number of works expressing his happiness.
Abed said during his meeting with the program "Where Hope" with Arafa, that his father, the late artist George Fahd, had a great influence in his life, where he likes to sing and leave no opportunity or opportunity to sing, and ironically, he woke them up by singing faithfully, not as usual Where the parents are their children, and this remains in the memory of Abed and his brothers.
Abed pointed out that his father was strict and serious and that he hated being a debtor. He advised his children not to borrow from anyone, what Abed did during his lifetime, but he had to evade this rule at certain stages of his life.
"It's my father who discovered my voice, but my mother loved being a cosmic actor." I imitated the big star Duraid Lahham, so I went to dress like star Laham Duraid and I I introduced a scene at the theater.The school, but you stole the "hoof".
"I was suffering from chronic asthma and I stayed with me until the age of 15. My doctor asked me to settle in remote residential areas of the city. Coastal city of Latakia and stay away from the humidity.The decision was to go to Damascus and I started to go to Damascus.On the radio where I'm going to live. I was initially brought to the drama studio, I started working on the radio gradually and I was taught by a group of teachers, such as Hisham Sharbatji, the late Nazir Aqil, the presenter Talib Yacoub, Marwan Qnoua and Hisham Qnoua became director of radio, The first program is directed by the program "green stages", presented by the late Adnan Buzu ".
"The director Hisham Sharbatji was the first to present me a scene through a TV show including paintings, then I participated in the series" Mirrors 86. "Here is how the audience knew me, then he presented TV movies, then a series "Al-Qishani", then "Zair Salem" who knew the Arab public about Abed Fahd, then the character of "Hajjaj bin Yusuf Al-Thaqafi", which was a big and important opportunity, and that continued until the series came "the birth of the left" In the series "Alban Arap", and was the series "the game of death".
"The Syrian representative retains his identity wherever he goes and, in the end, I am a Syrian industry stemming from the history of the exceptional people with whom I worked, from Yasser al-Azmah, who occupies a very important place in my heart., Mahmoud Jarkas, Silver Asad, Mona Wasef, Riyadh Nahhas and others.
And the difference of working with representatives of Egypt or Lebanon, and with the representative of Syria Abed: "The difference of tone and rhythm in the first place, and I remember the series of Egyptian experiences" Captain Effat "with the Egyptian star Laila AlawiAnd in the first scene, I was surprised by the performance and the tone of voice and style, I asked to stop the photography and the delay for a day, what happened to take control of the personality.
"The two schools are different with the Syrian actress, we are from a school, the more harmony and the exchange of observations are great." In the Arab partnerships, the situation was different at first, but with the continuation of the work, it was canceled.The gap in this aspect of the work with non-Syrian actors, for example the series "Road", where he became a partnership with Nadine NajimAnd there was a chemistry that differed from the first partnership of the "Lo" series.
And accusations of tradition George Wassouf One way sound in the "way" series says: When I read the text intended to be the words of "Jaber Sultan" is not understood by certain phrases except for a special way of speaking, and find the voice of Sultan George George Wassouf appropriate solution, because it was similar in some scenes In order not to remain speech or that the method is present as an imitation, being a professional artist and not imitating, I put the voice of Jabir under a new day and I build a different case from where my voice in the natural situation looks a little like George's.
Abed revealed that he had called star George Wassouf for their friendship and had told him that he had borrowed his voice in some scenes, and that George had welcomed this idea and told him: "Recite me, you are the lover of my heart."
"I have kinship with my family and I wish my children to do what they want and I want to teach them a great way, despite the high cost," Abed said.
On his new projects, he said: "A minute of silence" is being prepared for the great writer I like to write, Samer Radwan and director Shawki Al-Majri, film shot between Syria and Lebanon.
Regarding his relationship with his wife Zina Yazji, he said: "She is my counselor and mirror, a mother and her love and a distinguished housekeeper, as well as the excellence of the media and the success of my success, and I hope to do everything you want.

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