"Abu Dhabi Global Market" warns of fraud on behalf of "United Investment"


The Abu Dhabi Global Financial Services Regulatory Authority, the financial community and the general public, have warned against false allegations, spread by people claiming to represent an entity named United Investment Company PJSC.

This entity incorrectly claims on its website (www.aminvcae.com) that it is located on the Abu Dhabi International Marketplace on the island of Al-Mariya.

The Financial Services Regulatory Authority (SEC) warns the market, potential investors and citizens that United Investment Company PJSC is a fictitious company and that the people claiming to represent it charge fees; they have never obtained a financial services license or been subject to financial services regulation. Has a registration or registration track in the Abu Dhabi World Market.

Target victims

The Financial Services Regulatory Authority urges the market and investors not to respond to any messages received from this entity, claiming that the fraudsters are located outside the global market of Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates. target potential victims through a professional website or social networking platform. Financing by providing false documents to victims, such as loan or investment agreements.

And confirms that only companies licensed by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority can conduct organized activities in the global market of Abu Dhabi. The Financial Services Regulatory Authority warns the market and investors to not deal with any company until it is verified that it is reliable and that it has the appropriate financial services authorization from the Abu Dhabi Global Market.

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