Abu Dhabi Police Arrest 600 Kg of Drugs and 1274 Prostitutes and Abusers in 6 Months


Abu Dhabi: The Abu Dhabi Police General Command revealed the seizure of 600 kilograms of drugs of various types and types in the first half of this year, including a case where the prevention of the promotion 640,000 pills of Cepagon drug, 57 Brigadier Muhammad Suhail al-Rashdi, acting director of the criminal security sector, announced that the arrests had resulted in the arrest of 1274 people accused of drug trafficking and drug trafficking. During the same period, transboundary movements were thwarted and directed by organized criminal groups abroad.
Strengthen cooperation with the Abu Dhabi Police to reduce the scourge of narcotics and reduce the risk of spread among youth by providing security information through the 8002626 security service, which contribute to the security of the community and protection against the dangers of crime. He attributed the success of the Abu Dhabi police in controlling the large amount of narcotics and arresting the promoters to preventative operations and the effectiveness of the control elements that destroyed the hopes of the police. traffic networks. Crime
The Abu Dhabi police follows an integrated strategy to prosecute and control drug traffickers, no matter how they attempt or invent different deceptive methods and methods to promote their criminal business, highlighting the "crime". the importance of partnership and cooperation with the institutions concerned.
The seizure figures are a positive indicator of the Abu Dhabi police's efforts to limit drug promotion, and the exploitation of their traffickers and smugglers in the fulfillment of their criminal plans , expressing pride in efforts to combat national efforts.
He pointed out that the Abu Dhabi police have carried out many activities to immunize society, protect the country from criminal activity and protect society, especially young people, from its deadly effects.
He explained that drug abuse is a global problem and that there are many reasons that lead to promotion and abuse as a weakness of religion and religion .
Turning to the role of the family in building the personality of children, and away from the dangers of this deadly scourge, by raising awareness and orientation to positive behaviors and correcting the pursuit of the Censorship, and consciously deal with the addict in specialized rehabilitation centers, and support him to successfully overcome the stage of treatment and continue to provide emotional support, after recovering to avoid the path of rehabilitation. addiction
Operation "Sniper"
Brigadier General Mohammed Suhail Al-Rashidi, this operation "sniper", ja In coordination with the security efforts sniper the target professionally, and the seizure of the reseller "Asian" and of the "Arab" promoter in a timely manner, having placed under the "microscope" elements of control, which followed and followed until they fell into harm's way. e their work by surprise. He said that the operation showed his dedication to the police, who followed the path of narcotics, the hidden movements that characterized the merchant and his practice of this criminal activity, during his initiation by handing his poison to the meadows on Friday. morning, thinking that he and his partner would be away from the eyes. Watch the weekly holiday.
He explained that the seizure, The Abu Dhabi police's efforts to combat drugs, reduce its spread and stop its promoters.He stressed that the frustration of the incident lasted 21 days of close observation until the dealer recently transferred the boxes containing the narcotics of his car. To the promoter of the car, a prelude to the marketing of the state

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