Abu Dhabi Police issued an awareness booklet on the Chinese labor force


Abu Dhabi (Federation)

Abu Dhabi Police issued a Chinese-language pamphlet for Chinese workers in the country to raise awareness of the most important legal and security issues in accordance with legislation UAE.

This booklet, supervised by the Community Police Department of the Community Safety Sector, is part of the UAE-China week and in the concern and aspirations of the two friendly countries to establish a new phase of cooperation and joint action.

Dr. Hamoud Al-Afari, director of the community policing department, stressed the importance of reaching the largest segment of the Chinese community, especially workers, to raise awareness of the principles and principles laws and to make them aware of the values ​​and customs of the UAE.

Awareness and education emphasize the protection of rights and the definition of duties guaranteed by the Constitution, pointing out that the booklet contains a set of guidelines that allow them to build a cohesive society with decent living conditions in a safe, stable and stimulating environment.

Al-Khobar (UAE News: Abu Dhabi Police Publish Awareness Brochure on Chinese Work) (translated from Al-Ittihad Newspaper)
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