Abu Dhabi police warn of dangers of electronic games on children


The Abu Dhabi Police – The Voice of the Emirates

The Abu Dhabi Police have called on families to use the children's summer holidays to help them develop their characters far and wide. dangerous electronic games involving violence and sexual assault

. She stressed her concern to cooperate and coordinate with the parties concerned all that protects the protection of our children and their families from the dangers, stressing the importance for families to find a viable alternative for their children. Watch


The Abu Dhabi Police drew attention to the results of scientific studies and expert recommendations on the dangers of children sitting for long hours to play dangerous electronic games, which identify the hero of the violent game.

Violent Images

On the other hand, the child does not recognize the difference between the virtual world presented by the game and the reality, studies have proved This baby He can not distinguish reality and fiction, and it is not necessary to act violently after the end of the game, but to store the images of violence in the subconscious, and shows the negative impact when a problem with it. child resolves violently

Strengthen close family supervision of children in the exercise of these dangerous electronic games and use the social networking sites related to these games and draw their attention to the positive positions that benefit them and develop their talents and creativity if necessary.

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