ADNOC Distribution Realized a Significant Change in Fuel Sales in the UAE


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The Supreme Committee for Consumer Protection held its second meeting in 2018 under the chairmanship of His Excellency Sultan bin Mohammed bin Rachid Al Maktoum, Minister of Economy, HE Mohamed Ahmed bin Abdul Aziz Al Shehhi, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry from the Economy, HE Humaid bin Butti Al Muhairi, Assistant Under-Secretary for Commercial Affairs, Dr. Hashim Al Nuaimi, Director of the Department of Consumer Protection of the Ministry and representatives of federal and local bodies. GS representatives of the company «ADNOC Distribution.

During the meeting, representatives of ADNOC Distribution presented a detailed presentation of the additional services offered by the company to supply service stations and the system of rewards introduced for consumers as well as categories exempted from additional costs "elderly and owners". Develop a level of services to meet the aspirations of consumers in all segments and is in line with the direction of the state in the transition to intelligent services according to the best techniques and practices worldwide. The Minister of Economy, HE Sultan bin Said Al Mansouri, said that the National Oil Distribution Company of Abu Dhabi (ADNOC) is one of the leading companies having made a qualitative leap in the distribution and sale of fuel in the United Arab Emirates. Indicators of global competitiveness for the advanced level of infrastructure serving this vital sector.

The Higher Committee for Consumer Protection wishes to address the priority issues for consumers and monitor the successive developments and the great activity of the markets and the coordination with all parties concerned to ensure the equilibrium and stability of the markets and protect the rights of consumers.

The Minister and Committee members were briefed by the representatives of ADNOC Distribution on the new Flex ADNOC service system and the options and alternatives available to consumers. The service excellence, which includes refueling and smart payment services and linking it to a system of digital rewards spent in ADNOC oases inside resorts in addition to a number of features related to cleaning the car and check the 10 dirhams. The "My Station" service has not yet been launched and includes an on-site refueling option.

The Superior Committee of Consumer Protection emphasized the importance of educating consumers to categories exempted from the use of distinguished service at stations, including senior homeowners and to take into account the fact that the digital rewards system also includes self-service users.

The Committee noted that the allocation of a sufficient number of lanes for each service within the station and that there is sufficient flexibility to modify these lanes according to the number of lanes. intensity of use to avoid congestion of cars inside and in front of railway stations.

Representatives of ADNOC Distribution confirmed that the company took into account the good performance of the service because all the stations of the company are smart stations and have the opportunity to reorganize the tracks for avoid traffic jams "And then deserve the exemption.

They explained that this system had been experimented two months ago in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi to sensitize users to payment alternatives and allow to choose any method of payment by credit card or ADNOC card.The company has confirmed that the stations meet the highest safety and security standards in this regard and that there are personnel in the stations to help you at any time or explain to you how to activate the self-service.

The representatives of the ADNOC noted that the system was now implanted in all the ADNOC stations of the emirate of & Abu Dhabi and that it was still in the experimental phase, where it was tested in a number of UAE stations.

The two main agenda items were discussed at the second meeting of the Standing Committee of consumer protection, in which they addressed a number of issues that are essential to meeting the needs and demands of consumers.

The follow-up table on the implementation of the recommendations of the Higher Committee for Consumer Protection was discussed at its fourth meeting in 2017 and the first of 2018. Efforts to implement the recommendations related to the activities Commercial and service In the state using Arabic, where the Committee had recommended in previous meetings that the commercial sectors Arabize the reception and call centers and issue invoices in them. informing when renewing licenses and providing clinics, restaurants, etc. People who speak Arabic The committee determined the implementation of these decisions earlier this year.

The Committee recommended at its current meeting to intensify surveillance and sensitization of the business community to the use of the Arabic language and to report to the Committee on the ratios of commitment.

The Committee considered developments concerning unified car rental contracts, particularly on tourists, mainly on the lack or lack of clarity of certain conditions in contracts such as setting a limit maximum for authorized miles without additional charges or the issuance of contracts in English only. Regarding the determination of the value of insurance and the terms of repayment.

The Committee recommended, in coordination with the authorities concerned, to draft a uniform model for car leases, similar to those used for standard vehicle sales contracts and electronic contracts. unified.

The Committee considered proposed solutions to transportation problems outside the state, where the consumer receives claims regarding transportation outside of the state, that it 's act of furniture, housewares or cars. Other without insurance on the security of the shipments or the end of their arrival.

The Minister ordered coordination in this area with the relevant authorities to manage and control maritime operations outside the country and discuss the possibility of cooperation in this regard to avoid repetition of complaints.

The agenda also included several new items, including preparations for hosting and presiding the CIPEN conference in 2020 and 2021. Zambia was selected for 2018-2019 .

About 130 participants from the network's member countries attend this conference and its sessions deal with many key issues related to the protection of consumer rights and the exchange of experiences and best practices between states members.

The Committee discussed domestic gas prices and pricing mechanisms and requested the Committee, in coordination with the competent authorities, to periodically propose a formula or price mechanism for this essential commodity.

The meeting reviewed reports on inflation, market price indices and the recovery ratio of the Index of Harmful Practices for the first half of 2018.

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Source: UAE News Agency

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