AED 1.2 million projects


The value of the works and projects realized outside the country, thanks to the Dar al-Hamad project supervised, organized and implemented by the Sharjah Charity Association, amounts to 262,730 dirhams, distributed in 8 countries of 39, Asia and Africa, (20), motorcycles (10), sewing machines (20), grinder (10), poor house (2), laundry (50), ophthalmology (20), machines harvesting in China (25), a clinic (1) and artesian wells.3
Abdullah Mubarak Al-Dukhan, general secretary of the Society, said: Al-Hamd helps to help many cases and establish charitable projects inside and outside the country. He pointed out that Dar Al-Hamad's service is being received by donors and subscribers, and that the Dirham Al-Hamad service is supporting several public projects, including the Productive Hands project, which offers an employment opportunity to needy rather than depend on help. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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