After announcing the conditions for granting residence to foreigners, "developers" rely on "export goods" to activate sales


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Many real estate developers are banking heavily on the export of real estate to stimulate the sale of projects in the local market in 2019, some waiting for a quiet season. Several large companies are developing external marketing plans and participating in international exhibitions. The ministry also announced an annual plan to participate in a number of foreign exhibitions in cooperation with real estate developers, including the "EPS", on November 26 in London, with the goal of exporting to the country. 39; Europe. At the request of the Ministry of Housing Promoter The focus is on providing ready-made and fully finished units, tailored to the real estate export market, because the A foreigner who arrives in Egypt has neither the ability nor the knowledge to hire local workers to complete their units and prepare them for housing.

The developers told Al-Masry Al-Youm that the market needed regulation to be ready to receive foreign customers.

Mohamed Bennani, Vice President of Coldwell Banker Real Estate Marketing, has called for the creation of an organization bringing together all parties involved in the export of real estate under one roof in order to move away from Island isolationist policies, highlighting the importance of market research to determine trends in foreign demand for real estate and travel directions.

He pointed out the fact that a number of foreigners wanted to buy units in Egypt, but had to remove the negative image of some of the hurdles encountered in the past and the entry of brokers into markets without control.

Hisham Shukry, director of the Roya Real Estate Investment Company, called on the banking sector to provide funding to foreigners for them to buy dollar-financed real estate units in Egypt, noting that the global real estate exports sector about $ 300 billion, including $ 150 billion from real estate funds. The need to expand the creation of specialized investment funds in real estate.

Sharif Hassan, director of development at New Homes, said the expansion of the overseas marketing units was contributing to the growth of the sector over the next year, noting that after the flotation and devaluation of the pound became the least expensive Egyptian property.

Khalid Nasser, regional director of Remax Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, said that the target groups for the export of real estate came mainly from the Arab region, especially those suffering from political problems such as Syria and the United Arab Emirates. Libya. The European market is difficult for a number of reasons. Countries, especially health care.

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