After being lied to by Halima Bouland, she presents her invitation to the festival Diyar El Ezz


The title of "controversial woman" continues to this day and even today, despite being far from the limelight and the decision to retire after entering the golden cage for months, yes, this famous and famous media continues to make headlines Her endless news, despite that she decided to devote all her time to her personal and family life, is Halima Boland we are talking about and who has held the press and the media for days after his confusion over his participation in the Deyar Al-Ezz events in Saudi Arabia. ] Top The news that spread after this announcement confirmed that it prevented it from entering the Raghadan Forest and thus prevented it from participating in these precious events, which are Reliable reports that it came to our advantage that Boland Elle was not invited to be there, her presence was not welcome at all, accusations of lies, fraud and intrusion .Halima could not ignore them or turn a blind eye to the answer.He rushed to her own accounts to present credible documents.

is an official document confirming that she knew her husband for some time during which she received the official lawsuit in the presence of these events, which include the contacts that were made between her and the l '. one of the Saudi producers, who finally prove his invitation instead with Al-Hawala, who confirmed that the trial sent to the Kuwaiti media was canceled before the date of the events, but refused to accept the subject and remained determined to go to the summer of al-Baha and after having prevented them from entering Ezz's home. The confirmation of receipt of the agreed financial amount with the officials on the one hand and get a formal prosecution in the presence of the event that was canceled according to his language for security, and the refusal of officials on this side and the fact that the prevention of entry into the place are all contradictory information and interact with the public and commented by the pioneers each of them in his own way.

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