After caused by deaths .. Samsung apologizes to the world


South Korea, Samsung, has officially apologized for the deaths of some of its workers. Some of them have been sick because of its inability to create a safe working environment in computer chip factories.

Samsung's apology came weeks after the company and a group of its employees agreed to the broker's proposed settlement terms and ended the long-running media confrontation to which the company's apology was recently a part.

Kenam Kim, head of hardware solutions at Samsung, said the company had failed to "sufficiently manage the health threats" on LCD and semiconductor manufacturing lines.

Dozens of employees working for Samsung have suffered serious illnesses, such as leukemia and brain tumors, according to reports published by the Associated Press over the past decade.

"We offer our sincere apologies to our sick workers and their families," Kim said at a press conference in Seoul, capital of South Korea, which was attended by activists and family members. workers.

But while Samsung is cutting the contract and recognizing its safety standards, it must still recognize that the environment of its workplace is a direct cause of illness.

The confrontation between Samsung and its employees began in 2007 when a taxi driver named Hwang Sangji refused to agree to a settlement of the company after the death of his 23-year-old daughter as a result of his arrest. leukemia after working for a Samsung factory.

Hwang focused his efforts to explain to the media that the cause of his daughter's death was the use of "Samsung" for large amounts of chemicals in his factories.

"There will not be enough excuses to look at the deception and humiliation we have suffered (Samsung) over the last 11 years, the suffering of suffering from occupational diseases and the loss of loved ones, "said Hwang at a press conference, commenting on Samsung's recent apology.

According to the regulation, Samsung will compensate its workers for the various diseases they have suffered during their work in chip and LCD factories since 1984, with a maximum of 150 million won (USD 132,000) for blood cancer, as well as compensation for abortions and genetic diseases. For working children, such as cancer in the child.

Since 2008, dozens of Samsung workers have claimed the government job security pay. Only a few of them have received compensation, most after years of judicial battles. Half of the remaining applications were rejected, while the other half is under review.

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