After the automatic payment system stopped .. Losses in millions in the Netherlands for 90 minutes


PIN failure in the automatic payment system in the pan of the Netherlands caused for 90 minutes, in the loss of retail stores million euros.

According to Dutch television, the situation deteriorated and worsened when the shops opened their doors Thursday night, until late in many Dutch cities.

The Dutch media quoted Michel van Bommel of the Association of Retailers as saying that about 10 million transactions with a personal identification number are done daily, and because ATMs were often out of service, making many buyers unable to pay Thursday evening

Pommel added that shopping carts were left in supermarkets and supermarkets, and that it was even more difficult at petrol stations because the fuel was already pumped into cars.

Bommel advised, buyers carry little money at all times, because money is always an alternative way to pay.

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Source: The voice of the nation

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