After the film "point of convergence" in the world youth forum. All you want to know about the artist Reem Mustafa


After documenting the film "Point of Convergence" presented at the World Youth Forum "of the artist Reem Mustafa, he confirmed that he aimed to research the roots and origins of civilizations, in reviewing a number of important tourist areas.

This year, in 2018, the Forum will engage more than 5,000 young people from around the world to express their views and make recommendations and initiatives in the presence of world leaders, leaders and leaders. influential figures..

"Point of convergence" film

The artist Reem Moustafa starred in the short film "Point of Convergence", which toured Egypt and presented various models of the Egyptian character who gathered his children during meetings and visits in many places, Alexandria to Aswan..

The film was presented for the first time at the opening ceremony of the World Youth Forum held in Sharm el-Sheikh, where it was appreciated by young people, especially because it reflects the theme of the forum in its new version, which depends on the Egyptian personality and identity..

The film shows a number of important tourist areas, little known to the public, visited by the artist Reem Mustafa, which shows his true personality in the events of the film "Point of Convergence", which shows the Egyptian cultures and the different customs in Bedouin life and authentic Nubia that attracts tourists who like to explore these areas.

1. Rima Mustafa, born June 25, 1986, graduated from the Faculty of Radio and Television Media, worked at the beginning of her career in marketing.

2. His artistic career began when his friend advised him, during a condolence call, to try Orbit TV's performances.

3. She then began her acting drama career on television since 2013 through the Clash Disengagement series and the humorous series The Man of the Crow.

4. She was characterized by her yellow hair and beautiful features. She was a way to get into art alongside her talent. She continued to play good roles until she got a role in the "Claps" series. The first season and the four other Ramadan series in 2017 have changed the way the public has changed.

5. His most cherished artist is the artist Ghada Adel and Yasmin Sabri. She really likes their beauty.

6. She described herself as a "noble" who loves to eat a lot, six Beit Shatra, stuffed with love.

7. Try to do continuous exercise to keep it slim.

8. He was the guest of the Ramez Jalal program in 2018 and, after discovering the anhalt, he beat and shouted.

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