Ahmed bin Mohammed attends the "Science Day" celebration at the National Olympic Committee


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HH Sheikh Ahmed Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, President of the National Olympic Committee (NOC), yesterday attended the celebration of the "Science Day", which takes place every year with the highest meaning of love, of loyalty and belonging to the nation at the celebration organized by the National Olympic Committee in cooperation with the Department of Economic Development in Dubai. The main square of the Dubai business village.
His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Minister of Higher Education and Minister of Higher Education, attended the ceremony attended by all citizens, residents and school children who visited the outside courtyard of the village. Good.
He was accompanied by HE Sami Al Qamzi, Director General of the Economic Development Department of Dubai, HE Mohammed Al Mahmoud, Second Vice-President of the National Olympic Committee, HE Talal Al Shenqiti, Acting Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee, and members of the Executive Committee of the Olympic Committee.
HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum said: "Today, we brandish the banner of glory and honor, as we have always been accustomed to this unique birthday, in which everyone renews his or her allegiance, its belonging to the nation and its rulers.This is a great opportunity to express the love of the UAE and its successful journey.Fine noble values ​​to the foundations, stay a lighthouse in the highest sense national and national in the hearts of the generations who have committed themselves to make great efforts to preserve our achievements stemming from the honorable history and wonderful journey of parents and grandparents and to project ourselves into a bright future. as a historic event on our agenda, in response to the invitation of Her Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Sincerely Dubai, to celebrate this day each year as an opportunity to express for all citizens and residents. About feelings of love and loyalty to the UAE. "
"We are delighted with the interaction of all institutions and authorities at the state level that day and to express these unique national sentiments that reflect the value of patriotism and pride of the country ", did he declare. In the hearts of different groups, which is not new to the UAE who have shown pride in their home country in all areas of life through their efforts are highlighted in order to carry its flag and make it a model to follow for the world.
For his part, HE Sami Al Qamzi thanked His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum for his constant support and honor to assist and hoist the flag of the United Arab Emirates, which reflects the image Civilized one of a country in relation to the interaction and participation of key leaders at the forefront to celebrate this national event with the governmental and private institutions and the people of the state. United Arab Emirates.
"The United Arab Emirates flag is a symbol of our unity and determination, and our role is to continue our efforts to ensure the prosperity and economic well-being of the people of this precious country." Dubai's economy reaffirms our commitment to our leaders and the Government of the United Arab Emirates and we are grateful for the outstanding efforts and achievements of our country. "

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