Al-Bashani reveals that Hadramout received $ 46 million in oil revenues


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Al-Bashani reveals that Hadramout received $ 46 million in oil revenue from the site, as of Sunday, July 8, 2018.


Sunday, July 8, 2018 18:05

Faraj al-Bassani Corner for mining the province 20% of oil revenues and the equivalent of $ 46 million in three payments were signed with contractors to implement projects over $ 71 million.

He renewed his announcement for the second time on the reopening of Al Rayyan airport, announced in the first half of 2018.

He said at a conference today in Mukalla : "We are making arrangements for the construction of" The governor explained that the most important achievements during the last period in the field of security is the rearrangement and organization of forces of 39 elite of Hadramiya and gradually transferred to become a more organized and effective force of the population of the province. All intentions In terms of service, the governor stated that his vision in the management of the province is based on development and construction in various sectors and not in the sector to the detriment of the other. "The service aspect is the crucial aspect related to the daily life of people and no less important than the security aspect, on the contrary, they are two sides of the same coin: the Security is the basis of stability and offers potential for success in this area. "

And recently approved a United Arab Emirates grant worth 68 million dirhams to support the health sector in the province and entrepreneurs were contracted to begin implementation.

The Governor stated that electricity has not evolved since the realization of unity. Extraction

"We will enter two service stations in Al-Dais Al-Sharqiya, Al-Rida and Qusayir with a capacity of 20 MW and maintenance of generators Al Rayyan and Manoora, Jules Masheh and Al -Bahra with spare parts for the Bajrash factory. "

The Governor will continue to work to expand the port of Mukalla with the Saudi Fund and build bridges in the number of the Fund-financed areas

The Governor of Hadramout said that "the increase in Petroleum product prices came after a study and in the context of rising currencies and the price difference due to the state's inability to provide derivatives through local merchants. "

" We have already rejected this increase because of the suffering of people, their conditions and their suffering at the electricity, but we are obliged to do so in the hope that the State will play its role. "

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