Al-Bashayer Journal New Microsoft Evolution Foldable Surface Device


New Foldable Microsoft Evolution Surface Device

Sunday, July 1, 2018 18:07:30 – Readers 43

  New Microsoft Evolution Foldable Surface Device

Microsoft has developed a mysterious new Surface device for at least two years: the device is codenamed Andromeda and many information has already been published on this device through patents, press reports and operating system references.

Microsoft describes the Andromeda project as something that the company has quietly embraced internally, creating a new hardware class that affects the overall roadmap and blurs the lines between what is a device and a portable device. company described the device in-house as a "new device in the category of small pocket modes, combining this device between the experiences of new devices and innovative software to create a personal experience of personal computer use. "

Earlier this month, Microsoft made reference to some plans, while the code name Andromeda was revealed last year, Microsoft declined to comment on the project, but the new Andromeda device is considered as the next main bet of the company. Current phone and computer.

Microsoft launched Surface RT and Surface Pro six years ago as devices designed to create a new class in order to reduce the differences between the tablet and the laptop: Surface Pro has reduced the Gap between laptops and tablets, including Apple to a certain extent, to try to reproduce the surface approach.

The Andromeda device development is secretly performed within Microsoft, with a folding screen covering the joints when it is fully open, and the software giant has also experimented within Andromeda, likewise The device is folded like a book and the electronic pen can be used with the digital ink function. The prototypes of the device include an electronic pen and similar applications to the Notepad.

Microsoft is also testing ARM processors instead of traditional x86 processors. It is not clear whether the company will continue to work with Intel or Qualcomm regarding the end device, and sources familiar with the Andromeda project say that the company can stop the project at any stage.

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