Al-Bashayer newspaper An artist paints joy on the face of children of war


See .. Artist paints delight on the faces of children of war

Al – Atnin November 26, 2018 1:12 pm – Readers 38

See .. Artist paints delight on the faces of children of war

Social media sites have recently released many painful images resulting from wars in Arab countries after the revolutions of the Arab Spring and the situation has worsened, especially in the covers of Arab and international magazines, including images for children. .

A Bangladeshi comedian has told these tragic images of his brush to images that the world hopes to see in a new challenge called "The Challenge of Global Happiness".

The artist, Murshid Misho, of Bangladesh, pieced together the images of war victims that he could not forget after a series of happy moments: he tried to replace the horrible features of children's faces by Bright smiles and the effects of explosion by lush gardens.

"I could not accept this cruelty, so I tried not to look at it," said Micho, 25, who said the idea for the series came from his vision of the victims of the war that had been widely traded earlier this year. These images, but it did not work, because I was able to remove these images from my eyes, but I could not move them away from my mind. "

After sleepless nights of anxiety and anxiety, the painter asked: "I do not want to see this cruelty, what do I want to see?" "I want to see them smile, I want to see people happy," he said.

"Touching the hearts of people is the greatest achievement of any artist, and many artists do not have the opportunity to see their work appreciated and alive, so I consider myself lucky," said the painter about his reaction to his image.

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