Al-Bayan UAE: Qatar's complaint "media fanfare"


The UAE's response to the International Court of Justice over Qatar's lies about Qatari nationals on UAE lands is clear and strong with evidence and official documents, which confirm that what the Qatari regime is demanding in court lies and fabrications "The UAE is known around the world for its respect and commitment to human rights and for its unequivocal rejection of all forms of racial discrimination, whether through its policy or exemplary legislation ".

v The UAE does not use the methods claimed by Doha, particularly with the Arab Gulf brothers, who link them to the bonds of brotherhood, friendship and friendship of their peoples, on the contrary, the UAE, for Qatari citizens, takes over. Especially after the boycott, because they know that they, like their brothers from the UAE and the rest of the Arab countries, are suffering from the crimes and scandals of the Qatari regime, which has become banned worldwide by supporting and financing terrorism. "

As the UAE has confirmed No media fanfare, the media market in Doha, and part of continue to divert the attention of supporting terrorism and incitement to hate and of violence ".

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