Al-Falih: Saudi Arabia targets $ 64 billion in revenue from mining in 2030


DUBAI (AP) – Saudi Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources, Khalid Al-Falih, has called on Arab countries to double the efforts of Arab countries in the mining sector. as a channel for various industries to prosper for the prosperity of Arab citizens.

At the 15th International Conference of Arab Resources on Mineral Resources held in Cairo, Al-Falih said that the mining industry was one of the most promising sectors of the Kingdom. $ 17 billion currently, the sector providing 160,000 jobs.

According to Al-Falih, the kingdom is the third largest sector of the Saudi economy and the value of its mineral resources is increasing, according to studies, the mineral wealth in Saudi Arabia amount to $ 1.3 trillion and cover an area of ​​630 000 km 2. A country in the world for the production of phosphate fertilizers, with an annual output of about 9 million tons in the city of North Industrial promise.

For his part, the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Tariq Al-Mulla, said that Egypt wanted to increase the contribution of the mining sector to 2% of the country's GDP instead of 0.5% by putting in implement a five-year plan.

The Egyptian cabinet recently approved legislative amendments to the mining wealth law aimed at attracting investment in the sector, with a view to a discussion in parliament.

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