Al-Ittihad Newspaper – Comic Con Entertainment brings together superheroes in London


Al Ittihad Newspaper


Comic Universe allows superheroes to wear the clothes of their favorite characters

LONDON (Reuters) – Comic Con Entertainment, where fans of superhero movies have the opportunity to wear their favorite Catwoman characters and even the villainous Joker in Batman movies, debuted Friday in London.
The three-day event will celebrate their favorite characters in movies and storyboard-based games through exhibitions, discussions, workshops and lots of fun in disguise.
Paul Pettani is scheduled to attend the conference. Bettany played a role in Avenger's Avengers and in the science fiction film Solo: A Star Wars.
Brian Azarillo and Frank Miller will also attend the two comics.

Source: Reuters

Al-Ittihad Newspaper – Comic Con Entertainment brings together superheroes in London Conference-_comic-kun_-entertainment-collect-heroes-superhero-in-London

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