Al Qasimi visits the Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park


Sharjah – Voice of the United Arab Emirates

Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, a member of Sharjah's Supreme Council and Sovereign, chaired the meeting of the Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park on Thursday morning on the university campus.

During the meeting, Sheikh Mohammed informed the participants of the complex's development and infrastructure projects and the main facilities of the complex, as well as the progress of the construction and development works. the first phase of the complex, and its detailed explanation of the latest developments in the complex. And initiatives for the progress of the work, the realization of the mission of the Synod and its objectives, and projects to be launched in the future.


His Highness led the management of the complex in cooperation with public and private sector institutions and the academic sector to reinforce the notion of partnership between the complex and these institutions in order to serve his vision of supporting scientific research, research and development. innovation and technological progress in the Sharjah emirate in particular and in the United Arab Emirates in general.

His Highness also reviewed the future plans of the complex and adopted a number of plans and projects related to the work of the complex and its development, which contribute to the promotion and achievement of the desired objectives of the Academy. in scientific research and fruitful cooperation between different sectors, as an innovative innovative project in the emirate. Hussain Al Mahmoudi, general manager of the Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park, and Hamid Jaafar, board member of the American University of Sharjah, attended the meeting.

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