Al – Riyadh Journal Increased Saudi oil exports via the Red Sea expands its shipping lanes globally


Aramco strengthens fleet to support Yanbu crude oil exports

The success of Saudi Aramco by adding three million barrels per day (b / d) of its crude oil export capacity to the west coast of the Red Sea,

True to its position as the world's leading integrated energy and chemical producer, it is part of its trusted role as a supplier of energy to its customers in all countries.

Saudi Aramco yesterday announced its success in adding three million barrels per day (bp) of Saudi crude oil exports to its west coast of the Red Sea, following the modernization of the South Terminal. Yanbu's factory.The Yanbu plant has been integrated with the Red Sea coastal city by a current crude oil network.

The rise of the west coast of Saudi Arabia comes at a time when the kingdom was looking for ways other than those of the east coast and the Strait of Hormuz to widen the roads Saudi oil transportation. With an oil flow of 18.5 million barrels in 2016. The strait connects the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Oman and the sea of ​​Oman, the main route taken by Arab Gulf exporters – the Kingdom , Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

Most offshore oil exports pass through the Hormuz Strait, while the east-west oil pipeline in the kingdom carries crude oil from the eastern oil fields to the east. Yanbu.

As the Kingdom increases its oil export capacity, it has recently begun to promise that it will also increase oil production under Saudi insurance, assuring it pumped 10.7 million barrels a day (bpd) , close to its record of 10.72 million bpd. This production is in November.

The total capacity of Saudi crude oil exports is about 13 million barrels a day. Most of these energies come from four main export ports, the largest of which is the port of Ras Tanura in the Persian Gulf, the Kingdom's main oil exporter, which exports 90% of Saudi oil to the world with a capacity of total treatment of about 6.5 million barrels per day. Saudi crude oil in this port, combined with condensate and products. The port consists of three stations, including those of Ras Tanura, Jubaymah crude oil and Al Jaima LPG terminal.

Ras Tanura is the largest terminal in the port of Ras Tanura with an average storage capacity of 3.4 million barrels per day and a storage capacity of 33 million barrels. The plant can accommodate oil tankers with a carrying capacity of 500,000 tons, all Saudi crude oil being loaded at the Ras Tanura terminal. The average capacity of the Ras Al Juaima crude oil terminal is about 3.12 million barrels a day, thanks to the presence of six interconnected buoys that connect the largest oil tankers with a capacity of 700,000 barrels of oil. tons. All Saudi crude is loaded in this plant, as well as fuel gas with a maximum capacity of 120,000 barrels per day.

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