Alfabit paves the way for becoming a giant transport company


Google's parent company, Alphabet, is a superpower in the field of transportation and has its own vision for the future. The company has invested heavily in all types of transportation by funding start-ups and its subsidiaries. Regardless of the quality of these means, it is electric scooters, self-propelled vehicles or aircraft vehicles.

The Financial Times reported earlier this week that the holding company had invested directly in the lime operator of the electric scooter, the Google Ventures investment arm is leading the financing round of the emerging company, a investment that reflects the growing interest of the company for transportation and that removes it from the field of the Internet and its businesses, which is the cornerstone.

"The company has found a lot of ways to make sure that it plays a role in the future of transportation," says Mike Ramsey, research director at the firm. Gartner market research. "AlfaT is not only interested in transportation, but is indeed a Mei preaching force in this area. "

The most active investor of the past year, with more than 100 transactions, is Alfabit, through direct investment or through its three venture capital funds, Google Ventures for start-up companies and CapitalG for Growth Investments and Gradient for emerging companies related to artificial intelligence.

The company supports a wide range of transportation technologies through these investments. Google Groups is One of the earliest investors in the passenger service company Uber, which has plans for jet cars.In the company of the transport company Lyft Lift, which has plans for motorcycles and scooters, while Gradient invested earlier this year in Scotty Labs, which manufactures a remote control platform for self-propelled vehicles.

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In addition to Lime, say In GoJek, which began operations in Southeast Asia, Google Maps is the most visible way to get into the world of transport: more than 55% of smartphone users in the United States use cards. , And has more than one billion monthly active users worldwide rely on

Google currently allows Uber and Lyft to advertise their prices with the help of cards, and it is not It's not hard to imagine that they will offer this feature to emerging cycling and scooter companies. Mike Ramsey: "I would be surprised if Alfavet did not follow the transport systems that connect several transports and Google Maps."

Google also runs another mapping product, Waze, in 2013 for about $ 1 billion, and is one of the imbalance Google Maps and Waze are the latest that allow any user to add information on buildings, construction, police and traffic, as well as Android Automotive or Android Auto, which runs directly on the Android operating system of Google. Volvo, Volvo and Audi

Data from Google Maps helped to make Alfabit one of the leading companies in the field of autonomous cars.Wasmo, the Alfabit business unit Autos, is one of its many affiliates bringing together analysts and investors. The optimism about them, Waymo plans to launch a self-service taxi service in Arizona before the end of the year and is considered a pioneer in this area from the beginning.

Sidewalk Labs, specializing in thinking about the future of civil transportation, the overall goal of the company is to innovate cities through technology, which launched its own small project called "Coord", a cloud-based mobile platform to integrate many of the mobility services that have emerged in recent years. ] It seems that all this is not enough, as company founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin are working on their own personal projects and investments for the future of Larry Hawk Transportation, an emerging company by the name of Kitty. Hawk, manufactures planes that appear to be in the middle of a floating plane and an unmanned aerial vehicle. High-tech.

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