Algerian Suad Massi opens Zouk Mikael's nights in Lebanon


On a very good night, Algerian Suad Massi presented a wide range of songs signed with oriental and western tunes at the opening of the Zouk Mikael Festival in Mount Lebanon.

Algerian guitarist, singer and songwriter Suad Massi

Massey Massi's voice crossed this quiet night to give a positive energy to the Lebanese public who filled the stands.
The Algerian singer appeared on the scene in white shirt,
Massey, 46, said after the concert: "The theater gives me hope and joy for this unmatched joy." When I start singing, I live the story that I had. With me when I wrote the song. "[19]" We are choosingamissociologists and we are becoming a family because we are working together for the long hours of the present day for the sake of playing songs directly through our full harmony "
This is the third time that the Algerian singer The most beautiful was the opinion of some of the previous concerts, including Rowan (40), who said:" Every Once I hear Suad and see her on stage, I am surprised at the amount of energy that emanates from her songs. "

Lebanon, because of the weather here, l & # 39; Festival organization, beautiful light and acoustic engineering "The girl from the city of Bab El-Wadi in Algeria has sung her old and new albums in a tone full of nostalgia, nostalgia, nostalgia, and nostalgia. love and joy, and a strong voice, especially when the classic Arabic poem of Ahmed Matar The President of the Faithful), in which he greeted those who fight the dictatorship

Since the author of the albums (narrators) and (the speakers) and (freedom) consider themselves an Amazigh Algerian belonging to the Arab culture,, such as: (Dar Gedi), (Talit Ali al-Bir), (O my child), and (Khaloni) and other songs that seemed to be
He ended with the romantic song (other than you) that Massey had to repeat three times, at the the will of the public who left his chairs and descended to dance to the rhythms of music emanating from the heart.

"The Arabic is my eternal love, which spread it until the pre-Islamic era and the poems of Zuhair ibn Abi Salma al- Muzni, up to the Abbasid period with Abu al-Tayyib al-Mutanabi, "she said. And then to contemporary poetry with Elia Abu Madi and Abu al-Qasim al-Shabi. "[19MassachantedofthespoonswasassociatedgeneralpeasourceswhichwouldnothavecomposedtothiswomenMassayosehousingofthemofthemethicsoftheJahiliyyahaurythedurethiscoveryofthejazzandwasgivenavoiceoftheAraboapoeese
and explained that it was meant" because I penetrated their poetic images and their words that have become rare, and led them to the voice of the most striking words and wonderful meanings. "

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