All Shakiri makes Manchester United


Sheridan Shakiri of Liverpool made a resounding start alongside him in his first appearance at the Reds before Manchester United at the International Cup of Champions.

Shakeri led his new team to Liverpool to win a big win over Manchester United four goals against the goal of the International Cup.

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The Swiss player scored the fourth goal of the Red Devils in the goal of the Red Devils in the 82nd minute of the match with a spectacular strike.

Shakiri scored his first match in the Liberian jersey, scoring 46 goals and scoring another goal to attract the attention of German coach Juergen Klopp, who commented on his new player: "C & # 39 is an incredible beginning. "

Shakeri joined Liverpool this summer from Stoke City in a £ 14 million contract for five years.

To see all the plays of Shakeri in the Manchester game:

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