All you need to know about the Google Pixel 3 game – UAE News


Oud Al Hazm

After months of leaks, Google has officially unveiled the Pixel 3 collection, which includes Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL. The phones look like what we saw in the images that were leaked and contain many features that we will discuss in detail.

After months of leaks, Google has officially unveiled the Pixel 3 collection, which includes Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL. The phones look like what we saw in the images that were leaked and contain many features that we will discuss in detail.

Everything you want to know Pixel 3 And Pixel 3XL

Slice Titan M

The Pixel 3 and the Pixel 3 XL have a lot of internal technology, and the new Titan M is one of them.

The Titan M is brand new, designed to protect Pixel 3. In a publication published on Android Developers, Google explained in detail the operation of Titan M ..

This chip is a security module set up by Google that protects your Pixel 3 and 3 XL phones from all kinds of potential threats. Titan M is part of the physical technology, it will help protect against deficiencies in all devices such as Specter, Meltdown and Rowhammer.

Technically, the Titan M chip reveals multiple control logs that can be used to integrate access to configuration settings for chipsets and devices. Once activated, Titan M verifies the signature of the flash firmware by using a built-in key on the slide. If the signature is valid, the flash locks until it can no longer be changed and the firmware starts.

With this segment, Google hopes to achieve transparency and create an innovation platform in the future.

Customized devices allow us to provide new features, capabilities, and performance in plug-in components, which allows for more assertion situations such as binary authentication, medical device control, and more. P2P payments, etc.

Screen OLED From Samsung

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While he was using very bad screens with the entire Pixel 2 last year, Google decided to change that with the entire Pixel 3.

The larger Pixel 3 display offers better brightness and brightness and eliminates the problem of color conversion, blue layer and screen burning on Pixel 2, due to the lack of color. Samsung OLED display.

Last year, the OLED Pixel 2 screen had been manufactured by LG, but according to iFixit, an OLED screen manufactured by Samsung was unveiled with Pixel 3.


Pixel 3 is very similar to Pixel 2, the Pixel 3 and 3 XL have 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal memory with Snapdragon 845 instead of Snapdragon 835.

For the screen, the Pixel 3 XL screen has the highest rating of the DisplayMate platform among many devices.

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Interestingly, the Pixel 3 range is available in black, white and pink.

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In the last two years, Google has used a combination of aluminum and glass on the back of its phones. This year, Pixel 3 comes with a glass structure.

There is still a fingerprint sensor on the back of the device.Note that Google has integrated Qi wireless charging technology, as well as the sale of a new charging accessory wireless "Pixel Stand" which will deliver two pixels 3 and 3 XL.

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As for cameras, Google has added a better imaging experience with the Pixel 3 kit. By making some improvements with the second front camera, you will now be able to access the normal lens and broad lens of all your personal photos, in addition to the development of the portrait. Google has also incorporated an algorithm to eliminate any distortion caused by the broad goal.

Other changes include:

  • HDR + 40% faster.
  • Improved detail retention when zooming in and out.
  • Night Sight mode that improves shooting in low light.
  • The Top Shot mode, which takes several images before and after the image, suggests that you choose an alternative to what you have already taken.
  • Google Lens technology is also created in the Pixel 3 camera app that works automatically when an item is detected.

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Of course, Pixel 3 works with the Android 9 Pie operating system, which adds many features, new navigation moves, the Quick Settings panel, and so on.

Pixel 3 also offers a number of new programs, including the full version of Digital Wellbeing, as well as a slightly updated user interface for the camera application.

There is also a new call filtering feature that allows you to send the caller to a system asking him to provide information about his identity and the reason for his call.

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