Amal al-Qubaisi talks with Chinese official on strengthening parliamentary relations


During his meeting with Liu Jian, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Congress of Jiang Su Province, HE Dr. Amal Abdullah Al Qubaisi discussed ways to strengthen parliamentary relations between the two councils to achieve communication cultural and cultural development and develop relationships in all sectors. At different levels.

During the meeting, which took place as part of the official visit of the delegation accompanying the People's Republic of China, His Excellency stressed the importance of strengthening cooperation in parliamentary and legislative work, coordination of international conferences and forums and the strengthening of political and diplomatic relations. And noted the role of both Chambers in international forums and their positions in support of issues of common interest, including the promotion of international peace and security.

He said that Jiang Su province is one of the most advanced provinces in China and the first in terms of population size and size of the economy, equivalent to 10% of the economic size total of China. It is considered an important and advanced foundation in many fields, including technology and education, and has 176 universities and institutes.

Her Excellency the President of the Federal National Council officially invited Liu Jian to visit the United Arab Emirates and the Federal National Council and welcomed this invitation.


His Excellency Dr. Amal and the accompanying delegation visited the Great Wall of China, one of the highlights of the history of humanity, during his official visit to People's Republic of China, which started last Saturday.

His Excellency tour and delegation accompanying the Council in some parts of the fence, built in stages over two thousand years and extending over tens of thousands of kilometers.

And listened to Chinese officials to explain the definition of the fence and the history of construction and the most important monuments included in the wall castles and watchtowers, noting that the construction of the Great Wall of China was in different terrains and passes through mountains and desert and cut rivers, according to their topography.

After the visit, His Excellency wrote a speech in the register of ceremonies expressing his happiness and members of the delegation of the Federal National Council to visit the Great Wall of China, one of the seven wonders of the world with its historical and cultural characteristics covering more than two thousand years. It is a rare project in the history of human architecture.

A banquet

The Standing Committee of the House of Representatives of Jiang Su Province held a dinner in honor of HE Mrs. Amal Al Qubaisi, President of the Federal National Council and the delegation accompanying her. Wei Ju Kia Ng, Vice Chair of the Standing Committee of the Jiang Su Provincial House of Representatives, as well as municipal leaders and a number of parliamentarians from the province, received the Council delegation.

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