Amazon VS Apple .. Who reaches the "trillion" first?


As Apple approaches the title of the first US shareholder company to the tune of $ 1 trillion, some analysts see an opportunity for Amazon, the e-commerce giant, to lead Apple to This position, or Otherwise, Apple, after reaching this throne, should prepare for another giant who could move .

Observers believed Apple, valued at less than $ 940 billion at the moment, To reach a trillion dollars first, but after the big profits made by Amazon after the day of "Prime Day" made the Zun market value up to 902 billion, to find that Apple shares rose this year by 13%, while Amazon shares rose by an astonishing 58% .

Amazon returns from the back

At the beginning of this year, the market value of Apple was 50% higher than that of Amazon, but now the gap is d & # 39; About 10%, which is a big gap for Amazon, which has to find more solutions to overcome this gap and maintain its progress, all the more so in 2018 only the value of the shares of Amazon by 260 billion dollars .

This success of the Amazon began in 2015, when investors began to believe in the Amazon strategy, which relied heavily on spending to try to reach every aspect of people's lives there. With the increasing ambition of Amazon over the days, investors have been more enthusiastic about the size of the company's financial opportunities. Although Amazon shares jumped 45% in the first six months of 2018, Apple is growing steadily, but at a slower pace, as the pace of Amazon's stock is still unstable, which is worrying, because Apple is the most profitable company on earth, in some cases a net income of more than a quarter Amazon has entered its full story.

When Apple or Amazon reach $ 1 trillion

Wall Street analysts who follow Apple, Amazon and other major technological powers do not necessarily expect that one from among them will soon reach $ 1 trillion, Target 12-month profit for the largest US technology companies, analysts link Apple's target market value to about $ 974 billion, with the company's market share of $ 25 billion. existence of Amazon and Microsoft behind . There are also worries that Amazon could fail, especially if there are doubts about Amazon's commercial strategy by investors. To reach $ 1 trillion, the price of the action is expected to reach $ 203.45, and 10 of the 22 analysts have identified the target price above this figure, while the average price The objective of Amazon is $ 1903, this which has a market value of $ 923 billion and, to $ 1 trillion, is expected to reach $ 2,061, and only four out of 33 analysts will have a higher price target .

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