Amr Saad excluded from the championship series bought clothes worth 9,000 pounds


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Written by امير فتحي on Monday, November 5, 2018 9:38 AM –

amr saad d2

amr saad d2

The Egyptian actor Amr Saad revealed the most difficult moments of his career, when he signed a series and was excluded from the role that was assigned to him without knowing the reason, probably that his performance during the work did not please the director or the hero of the work.

During his meeting with "Samarra", Samar Yusri stated on the channel "On E" that the role that had been assigned to him in this work had been shot in two days, explaining that he had seen in this series a good opportunity. For him, he was therefore not paid because at that time he was a new artist and bought clothes worth £ 9,000. After ruling out the shadow, he kept these clothes for years, until he became a successful champion.

"The artful artist Ashraf, witness of this position, contacted him and informed of the team's willingness to exclude him, despite signing the contract of this series, describing the decision to exclude "paralyzed".

Amr concluded that he was not opposed to the reason for exclusion, namely that he was not convinced from a professional point of view, but that d & # 39; other reasons were not professional.

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